Adaptive long-term fasting in land and ice-bound polar bears: Data Table
The data sets in the data table have been collected as part of a project to understand how reduced sea ice cover in the Arctic will impact polar bear populations. Bears that...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Radiocarbon Dates and Pollen Data, Peterson Erosional Remnant, Arctic Coastal...
This data set consists of pollen data and radiocarbon (14C) dates resulting from microscopic analysis and mass spectrometry of soil cores taken from the Peterson Erosional...- dataset Excel ASCII
Polar Bears: Location and movements
A subset of captured polar bears were fitted with GPS satellite collars or glue-on tags. Location data was recorded hourly. Concurrently, data on activity, ambient temperature,...- dataset Excel
Chick growth rates of little auks (alle alle) at Hornsund Fjord, Spitsbergen
This dataset includes Weight-at-Age for little auk chicks in Hornsund Fjord, southwest Spitsbergen during the breeding season (July-August) in 2001 and 2005-2008. Data are...- dataset Excel
Polar Bears: Blood analyses
Blood collected from captured polar bears was analyzed for blood chemistry, hematology, stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen, free fatty-acid and amino-acid profiles, and...- dataset Excel ASCII
Polar Bears: Morphological measurements and body condition at capture
This dataset contains measurements of individual polar bears using rope, calipers and measuring tape. Weight was determined using a tripod hoist. A visual assessment of body...- dataset Excel ASCII
Biocomplexity Associated with the Response of Tundra Carbon Balance to Warmin...
The research involved with these data examines how biological and physical processes interact to control carbon uptake, storage and release in Arctic tundra ecosystems and how...- dataset Archive
Polar Bears: Adipose analyses
From a subset of captured bears a sample of adipose tissue was collected via tissue biopsy. These tissues were analyzed for lipid content, percent of saturated fatty-acids,...- dataset Excel ASCII
SBI Cruise HLY0402 merged bottle dataset
This data set contains merged bottle data from the SBI cruise on the United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy (HLY0402). During this cruise rosette casts were conducted...- dataset ASCII
SNACS: Environmental Variability, Bowhead Whale Distributions, and Inupiat Su...
This data set includes microplankton abundance and estimated carbon biomass from Niskin bottle casts taken on board the R/V Annika Marie during August - September 2005 and 2006...- dataset Excel
SNACS: Environmental Variability, Bowhead Whale Distributions, and Inupiat Su...
This data set contains flow cytometry counts of bacteria, phytoplankton and nutrient concentrations of seawater from Niskin bottle casts taken from the R/V Annika Marie during...- dataset Excel
Effect of a warming climate on Arctic shelf and basin Calanus populations: im...
This data set comprises modeling results from a project describing potential coupled biological (life history, development rates, food availability) and physical (temperature,...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Agashashok White Spruce Branch Growth 2005-2008
This dataset includes retrospective measurements of white spruce branch extension growth (mm) made at breast height (4 measurements from each tree) during late August of 2008....- dataset ASCII
Babe Creek Summit Tree Ring Data [Wolken, J.]
Tree ring data from the International Tree Ring Data Bank and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology archives. Data include raw treering measurements of annual ring width for...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
TDR results from Little Auks at Kap Hoegh colony 2007
This dataset includes time depth recorder (TDR) data from deployments on chick-rearing little auks (Alle alle) in Kap Höegh, Eastern Greenland in July 2007. We attached...- dataset PDF
Low Arctic monitoring of plant community composition and dynamics
This dataset contains annual assessment of plant community composition and biomass production near Kangerlussuaq, Greenland. These data derive from an ongoing experiment that...- dataset Excel ASCII
North American Tundra NEE modeled from MODIS data
This data set provides growing season Net Ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) between tundra ecosystems and the atmosphere for North America. Data are produced over the growing season...- dataset Image
Experimental freeze down of tundra soils
Samples were collected as part of a laboratory experiment assessing the effects of the rate of freezing and of the final temperature on soil nutrient dynamics and microbial...- dataset Excel
Measurements of little auks (Alle alle) at Kap Hoegh, Greenland in 2007
This dataset contains measurements at the Kap Hoegh, Greenland little auk colony in 2007. These data are chick growth measurements, productivity and attendance, morphometric...- dataset Excel
SNACS: Environmental Variability, Bowhead Whale Distributions, and Inupiat Su...
This dataset includes a table which represents the event log for the 2005 field season for the Study of the Northern Alaska Coastal System (SNACS) conducted in the Chukchi and...- dataset Excel