463 resources found

Keywords: air quality

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  • North Dakota Roadway Weather Information System (RWIS) Network

    This data set contains surface meteorological data from the North Dakota Roadway Weather Information System (RWIS) stations located across North Dakota. This data set covers the...
  • HIPPO Combined Discrete Flask and GC Sample GHG, Halocarbon, and Hydrocarbon ...

    This data set contains the results of analyses of discrete samples and the analyses of flask samples for all Missions, 1 through 5, of the HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations...
  • Road Weather Network Data

    This data set contains up to five minute resolution surface meteorological observations from road weather stations from 36 US states and 3 Canadian provinces for the PLOWS...
  • NOAA HRRR-Smoke Model Output

    This data set contains the analysis and forecast output from the six hourly runs of the NOAA High Resolution Rapid Refresh-Smoke (HRRR-Smoke) model for the WE-CAN and BB-FLUX...
  • Cheju Island Aerosol 2.5-10um Coarse Mass [GENT SFU]

    This data set contains 2.5umum-10um coarse mass (ng/m3) measured using the GENT SFU system for the ACE ASIA project.
  • LDM WMO Hourly Surface Data in QC format

    The Unidata Local Data Manager (LDM) World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Hourly Surface data in QC format is one of several surface datasets provided in the GEWEX...
  • ASOS 5-minute Data

    This data set contains the 5-minute resolution surface meteorological observations from the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) network of ~860 stations in the United...
  • GTS Surface Hourly Observations

    This dataset contains the global hourly surface observations for each day. These data are contained in daily files which are in GEMPAK format. No additional quality control was...
  • NCDC SAO Specials Dataset

    This dataset contains only the GCIP/ESOP-95 National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Surface Aviation Observation (SAO) "Special" observation surface data for the ESOP-95...
  • ASOS China Lake, CA 1-minute Data

    This data set contains 1-minute resolution surface meteorological data from the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) stations located at the Naval Air Weapons Station...
  • ASOS Surface "Specials" Data in QC Format

    The Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) Surface "special" data in QC format is one of several surface datasets provided in the GEWEX Continental-Scale...
  • TOGA Merged Data Files containing all C-130 Observations

    This dataset consists of TOGA merged data from the 19 research flights with the C-130 over the Southeast U.S. between June 1 and July 15, 2013, as part of the Southeast...
  • ASOS 1-Minute Data

    This data set contains the 1-minute resolution surface meteorological observations from the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) network of ~860 stations in the United...
  • NODC Buoy Data

    This dataset contains data from the NOAA Marine Environmental Buoy Database (NODC File 291). It contains wind, wave, and other marine data collected by the NOAA National Data...
  • Hourly and Special METAR Surface Observation Data Set

    This data set consists of the hourly and special METAR surface observations from 39 sites within the UMRBPP region. The data were retrieved from the Pennsylvania State...
  • 5-minute Surface Meteorological Composite

    The Lake-ICE 5 Minute Surface Composite contains data from the Automated Surface System (ASOS). Data from this source were quality controlled with data from the Lake-ICE...
    • dataset           NetCDF   ASCII
  • Surface, Operational GTS surface obs from the ship.(DECODED)(ASCII)

    This dataset contains SHEBA surface observations submitted to the GTS. Observations are made every 6 hours. Recorded data include position, temperature, dewpoint, pressure,...
  • Gosan (Kosan) MOUDI Impactor Data (ASCII)

    This data set includes the MOUDI sampler particulate matter mass concentrations collected from the Gosan Supersite located on Jeju Island, South Korea during ACE-ASIA. This data...
  • Automated Surface Observing Systems (ASOS) 1-minute Data

    This data set contains 1-minute resolution surface meteorological data from the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) stations located across the United States, including...
  • ISS Ceilometer CL51 Data Products

    Vaisala C51 ceilometer data products collected by the EOL/Integrated Sounding System group during the Sundowner Wind EXperiment (SWEX) field campaign in Santa Barbara, CA. The...
    • dataset           NetCDF   Archive