Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics LRT Data in NetCDF format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) King Air aircraft (Tail Number: N312D) during the Cloudwater Hydroperoxides,...- dataset NetCDF
GOES-13 North American Water Vapor Satellite Winds Imagery
This dataset contains GOES-13 water vapor satellite imagery from the time period of the Tropical Ocean tRoposphere Exchange of Reactive halogen species and Oxygenated VOC...- dataset Image
Skew-T Plots: Anchorage
This dataset contains upper air Skew-T Log-P data collected at Anchorage, Alaska during the HIPPO-3 project. The imagery are in GIF format. The imagery cover the time span from...- dataset Image
CLAMPS-1 Doppler Lidar Wind Profile Data
This data set contains vertical profiles of horizontal wind speed and direction obtained at 10 minute intervals using the velocity-asimuth-display (VAD) technique from the Halo...- dataset NetCDF Image
ARL Tethered Lifting System (TLS) Data
This data set contains detailed vertical profiles of temperature and wind speed from the Army Research Laboratory Tethered Lifting System (TLS) that was located east of the...- dataset ASCII
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics HRT Data in NetCDF format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) Queen Air aircraft (Tail Number: N306D) during the cloud Boundary Layer...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR/EOL BuFEX 2007 QC Radiosonde Dataset
This dataset contains 214 quality-controlled radiosonde data files, in the EOL sounding format, collected at two locations near Lake King in Australia during the Bunny Fence...- dataset ASCII
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics HRT Data in NetCDF format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) King Air aircraft (Tail Number N312D) during the STORM-FEST project. This...- dataset NetCDF
Low Rate Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight-Level Data [NCA...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) King Air aircraft (Tail Number: N312D) during the North Atlantic Regional...- dataset NetCDF
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics HRT Data in NetCDF format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) Electra aircraft (Tail Number: N308D) during the Central Pacific Atmospheric...- dataset NetCDF
New Zealand Meteorological Service Invercargill Sounding Data
This data set contains the high vertical resolution radiosonde data from the Meteorological Service of New Zealand site at Invercargill, New Zealand during the DEEPWAVE field...- dataset Binary
Funafuti High Resolution Soundings
This dataset contains the contact vertical resolution sounding data taken at Funafuti, Tuvalu (WMO 91643) during CEPEX. Sounding schedule was 00 and 12 (wind only) daily. Data...- dataset NetCDF
MSU Mobile Radiosonde Data
This data set contains temperature, moisture, and wind profiles from the WindSond radiosondes utilized in two mobile radiosonde systems operated by Mississippi State University...- dataset ASCII
High Rate Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight-Level Data [NC...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) Electra aircraft (Tail Number: N308D) during the BOReal Ecosystem Atmosphere...- dataset NetCDF
FASTEX soundings from Hemsby (United Kingdom)
This dataset consists of sounding data from Hemsby in the United Kingdom (WMO 03496) which was operated by the UK Meteorological Office. Soundings were taken four times per day...- dataset ASCII
NCAR S-Pol radar uncorrected field data, MDV
S-band Polarimetric (S-Pol) uncorrected field data, CIDD Meterological Data Volume (mdv) format, from the Terrain-influenced Monsoon Rainfall Experiment (TiMREX). There are dual...- dataset Archive
Trinidad Rawinsonde Data
This is one of the upper air data sets developed for the Hurricane Rainband and Intensity Change Experiment (RAINEX). It includes 180 high vertical resolution (2 second)...- dataset ASCII
Oxford 10-second CLASS Radiosonde Profiles
CLASS radiosonde profiles taken at Oxford, Kansas for the CASES-97 program. The site was operated by NCAR/Earth Observing Laboratory (formerly Atmospheric Technology Division)....- dataset ASCII
NCAR Integrated Sounding System (ISS) Time Series Imagery [NCAR/EOL]
This dataset contains time series imagery from the NCAR Integrated Sounding System (ISS). NOTE: These images were developed based on real-time preliminary data. These soundings...- dataset Image
National Weather Service (NWS) High Resolution Soundings
This is one of the upper air data sets developed for the THORPEX Pacific Asian Regional Campaign (T-PARC 2008). This data set includes 2590 high vertical resolution (6-second)...- dataset ASCII