Industry Chukchi Sea Sediments 2009 and 2010 [Trefry]
These data are sediment concentrations of metals (Ag, Al, As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Pb, Se, V, Zn) and organic substances (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)). This...- dataset Excel ASCII
Macrobenthic data from Bering to Chukchi Sea 1970 to 1974 [Blanchard]
These are historic data recovered from old printouts. The data were for a PhD dissertation and sampling was performed by Dr. S. Stoker. Most samples were sieved over a 3.0 mm...- dataset Excel ASCII
Epifauna Sampling Data [Bluhm]
This data set is a compilation of close to 1000 epifaunal invertebrate sampling stations from over 20 research cruises to the northern Bering Sea (US side), Chukchi Sea (Russian...- dataset Excel ASCII Archive
COMIDA Biota Contaminants [Trefry]
The data are for concentrations of the following trace metals (Ag, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, methyl-Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Tl, V and Zn) in benthic fauna and fishes...- dataset Excel ASCII
Surface Water Temperature, Summer, Gridded [Ashjian]
This data set contains the surface water temperature from the Pacific Marine Arctic Regional Synthesis (PacMARS) conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) compilation to a grid of...- dataset Archive ASCII
Industry Data for Chukchi Sea 2008 Burger and Klondike Sediments [Trefry]
This dataset contains marine sediment chemistry from the Chukchi Sea. Data for surface sediment concentrations of metals (Ag, Al, As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Pb, Se, Zn) and...- dataset Excel ASCII
cANIMIDA Sediment Contaminants [Trefry]
This dataset contains marine sediment chemistry from the Beaufort Sea. Data are for surface sediment (top 1 cm) metals (Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb,...- dataset Excel ASCII Archive
ANIMIDA Sediment Contaminants [Trefry]
This dataset contains marine sediment chemistry from the Beaufort Sea. Data are for concentrations in surface sediments (top 1 cm) of metals (Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu,...- dataset Excel ASCII Archive
Macrobenthic data from Nearshore Prudhoe Bay [Blanchard]
These data are historical data recovered from early work supervised by Dr. Howard Feder. Two gear types were used: an airlift sample AOL Organizer file (ARL) and a fager core...- dataset Excel ASCII
National Weather Service High Resolution Radiosondes (ESC Format)
High vertical resolution radiosonde data from National Weather Service radiosonde stations within and near the Sundowner Winds Experiment (SWEX) domain. Three stations are...- dataset ASCII
University of Leeds Independence Airport Radiosonde Data
This is one of the upper air data sets developed for the Terrain-induced Rotor Experiment (T-REX). It includes 192 high vertical resolution (2 second) rawinsondes released from...- dataset ASCII
CIRPAS Twin Otter 1-hz CIP Drop Size Spectra - ASCII format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the CIRPAS Twin Otter aircraft during the "Physics of Stratocumulus Tops" (POST) project off the west coast...- dataset ASCII
STORM-FEST Hourly Surface Land Composite
1 h composite of data collected at all 1 h resolution sites (about 720 sites). Included is data from ASOS, AWOS, FSL, NWS/FAA, ICN, HPCN, PAM and USGS. Data consists of wind...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
USGS Reservoir Data
This dataset includes daily observations of reservoir capacity from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and United States Army Corps of Engineers for 97 sites within the...- dataset ASCII
Indonesia Site - Merauke Radiosonde L3.0 Data
This data set includes 364 high vertical resolution soundings from Merauke, Indonesia (WMO 97980) collected during the DYNAMO field campaign for 2011-12. Soundings were...- dataset ASCII
Water Vapor Sensing System (Winds, Temperatures, and Water Vapor Fields from ...
This data set contains the JOSS quality controlled WVSS-I data. This data has consistent water vapor information (dewpoint, RH, and mixing ratio are consistent), and has the...- dataset ASCII
LAI and NDVI Meas. - West Dock MNT Site (ASCII) [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains leaf area index (LAI) measurements taken at peak biomass at the West Dock (MNT) site on the Arctic Slope of Alaska, in 2000. This dataset also contains...- dataset ASCII
CEOP_AP: Himalayas Surface Meteorology and Radiation Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) CEOP_AP Himalayas Hourly Surface Meteorology and Radiation Data Set. This data set...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
GCIP/ESOP-95 Surface: Hourly Surface Meteorological Composite
The GCIP/ESOP-95 Hourly Surface Composite contains data from several networks (i.e., Artais Automated Weather Observation System, Handar AWOS, and Qualimetrics AWOS, Oklahoma...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
Toolik Snowfence Experiment: 2002 Snow Free Date [Walker, M.]
This dataset contains snow free date data collected for the Toolik Snowfence Experiment in 2002. The Toolik Snowfence Experiment (part of the International Tundra Experiment...- dataset ASCII