Council Climate Data - NCAR ISS Tundra Site (ASCII) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data from NCAR's ISS site area in the Council region gathered during the 2000 summer field season in ASCII format. This dataset is also...- dataset ASCII
ICE-T Chat Logs [NCAR/EOL]
This dataset contains the scrubbed chat logs from the ICE-T project from 1-31 July 2011. These chat logs contain conversations between scientists and other project participants...- dataset ASCII
Ice Camp Surface Mesonet NCAR PAM-III, Cleveland site (PRELIMINARY)(ASCII) [A...
This data set contains NCAR portable automated mesonet (PAM-III) station (Cleveland site). This is one of six stations deployed in the vicinity (within 5 km) of the SHEBA Ice...- dataset ASCII
SOAS NWS Site NCAR/EOL ISS Surface Meteorology Data
This data set contains surface meteorology data collected at the Integrated Sounding Systems (ISS) NWS site during the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS) from 20 May 2013...- dataset NetCDF
Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System (PORTS) Data
This data set contains variable resolution surface meteorological and oceanographic data from the Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System (PORTS) operated by the National Ocean...- dataset ASCII
Daily Average Soil, Air and Ground Temperatures - Council Shrub Site [Romanov...
This dataset contains temperature data of the Shrub Site averaged daily. All data are from Council, Seward Peninsula. For more information, see the readme file.- dataset ASCII
Council Sapflow Data - Forest Site (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes sapflow data from the spruce forest site area in the Council region gathered during the 2000 summer field season in Excel format.- dataset Excel
Updated North Slope Air and Ground Temperatures, Soil Moisture (Excel) [Roman...
This dataset contains air and ground temperatures from 5 sites on North Slope of Alaska in Excel format. Measurements were taken for the ATLAS project.- dataset Excel
Council Climate Data - NCAR ISS Tundra Site (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data from NCAR's ISS site area in the Council region gathered during the 2000 summer field season in Excel format.- dataset Excel
Guam (PGUM) METAR Observations
This data set includes the METAR surface meteorological observations from Guam (PGUM).- dataset ASCII
East Siberian Transect - Air, Ground Temperature and Snow Depth - Additional ...
This dataset contains air, ground temperatures and snow depth measurements in Excel format for East Siberian Transect. Measurements were taken for the ATLAS project.- dataset Excel
GTS Station Plot Imagery
This data set contains GTS_Station_Plot imagery from the NAME Field Catalog. The following imagery products are included: Tier1_region, Tier2_region.- dataset Image
Council NCAR ISS High Resolution Soundings - Dry Tundra Site (C8) [Lynch, A.]
This dataset contains atmospheric profiles derived from rawinsondes released from the Dry Tundra Site at Council, Seward Peninsula for the Arctic Transitions in the...- dataset ASCII
Council Climate Data - Forest Site (ASCII) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data from the forest area in the Council region gathered during the 2000 summer field season in ASCII format. This dataset is also available in an...- dataset ASCII
OPC Atlantic Ocean Surface Analysis Imagery
Surface analyses over the Atlantic Ocean region by the NOAA/Ocean Prediction Center.- dataset Image
Ice Camp Surface Ship Weather Reports (ASCII) [Moritz, R.]
This dataset consists of the surface weather reports prepared at six-hour intervals by the SHEBA Project Office and coded according to the "Ship's Synoptic Code"....- dataset ASCII
Daily Average Soil, Air and Ground Temperatures - Ivotuk Moist Acidic Tundra ...
This dataset includes Air, Ground and Soil Temperatures at the Ivotuk Moist Acidic Tundra (MAT) site in Alaska. Temperatures are in degrees Celsius, soil moisture is shown as...- dataset ASCII
SACOL Aerosol Optical properties
This dataset contains aerosol optical properties data collected by the Semi-Arid Climate and Environment Observatory of Lanzhou University (SACOL) during March, April, and May 2007- dataset ASCII
Microbarograph Stations - Differential Pressure
The ATDD-microbarograph network was designed to monitor the temporal and spatial characteristics of gravity waves and other coherent, i.e., non-turbulent atmospheric pressure...- dataset ASCII
30-minute ISFS Surface Met and Flux from AABC site
This dataset contains ISFS Surface Met and Flux Data. These data contain surface meteorology measurements of the Integrated Surface Flux System (ISFS) during the Southern...- dataset NetCDF