Holographic Detector for Clouds (HOLODEC) LRT (1sps) binned particle count an...
This dataset contains binned histograms of sample rate counts and concentrations from cloud particles collected during the CSET project using an airborne holographic instrument...- dataset ASCII
A 2D-S instrument contains two 2D probes which image particles as they pass through beams that are oriented orthogonally to each other and the airflow. If particles also lie in...- dataset OTHER
High Rate (HRT - 1 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight-...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR QueenAir, A-80 aircraft (Tail Number N304D) during the Cooperative Convective Precipitation Experiment...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR/NSF C-130 High Rate (25 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysi...
This dataset contains netCDF data obtained aboard the NCAR/NSF C-130 aircraft during the Passing Efficiency of the Low-Turbulence Inlet (PELTI) project. This data contains the...- dataset NetCDF
UAH MIPS Microwave Profiling Radiometer (MPR) Data
This dataset contains University of Alabama Huntsville (UAH) MIPS Microwave Profiling Radiometer (MPR) Data collected on 21 May, 31 May, 3-5 June and 11 June 2012 as part of the...- dataset ASCII
Right-Looking Digital Camera Imagery
During SOCRATES-TEST, the NSF/NCAR HIAPER GV (Tail Number N677F) flew a right looking digital camera for in-flight video capture. Individual photo jpeg images were captured once...- dataset Archive ASCII
This dataset contains output from the NCEP Eta Regional Climate model (RCM). The data include the runs required by the NAME Model Assessment Project (NAMAP) plus three...- dataset Archive
Iowa Mesonet Data
This data set contains hourly resolution surface meteorological data from the Iowa Environmental Mesonet. These data are made available through Iowa State University and include...- dataset GEMPAK
COW Parsivel Disdrometer Data
This dataset contains data from a Parsivel optical disdrometer deployed at Sorel in support of the WINTRE-MIX field campaign. The instrument provides precipitation intensity and...- dataset ASCII
NCAR/NSF C-130 Research Profiles - PDFs
This data set consists of PDF files containing DMG Profiles, Fast FSSP qk, and SO2 Profiles for the period and area of the VOCALS project.- dataset PDF
1993 NDTE Raw Flight Data
The armored T-28 aircraft was flown by the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSMT). The data from these flights were collected by SDSMT under agreement with the...- dataset Archive
High Rate (HRT - 25 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR L188 Electra aircraft (Tail Number N595KR) operated by NCAR from 1973-1977. This dataset contains high...- dataset NetCDF
FP2 AERIoe Thermodynamic Profile Retrieval Data
This data set contains temperature and water vapor mixing ratio profile retrievals at five minute intervals (using the AERIoe algorithm release 2.2) from the AERI (Atmospheric...- dataset NetCDF Image
Maldives KCO All Sky Camera Imagery
This data set is a collection of 17140 daytime cloud images taken with a Total Sky Imager (TSI; Yankee Environmental Systems) at the Kaashidhoo Climate Observatory (KCO) in the...- dataset Archive
Forward-Looking Digital Camera Movies - final
During HIPPO-3, the GV_N677F flew a forward looking digital camera for in-flight video capture. Individual photo jpeg images were captured once per second during flights. Images...- dataset Movie
STAR MODIS Cloud Satellite Dataset
The changing climate represents one of the most important ecological issues concerning our planet. Changes in atmospheric trace gases, cloud over, cloud type, solar radiation,...- dataset HDF
NRC Convair 580 Composite Liquid and Ice Size Distribution Data
Composite liquid and ice particle size distributions as measured by several instruments that were onboard the NRC Convair 580 aircraft for the ICICLE (In-Cloud ICing and...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR/NSF C-130 Cloud Droplet Spectrum Fast-FSSP Data
The Fast-FSSP (FFSSP) was mounted on the left pod just below the SSP-100.- dataset ASCII
Weather Radar Data
This dataset contains the weather radar (WXR) data collected during the High Ice Water Content 2022 (HIWC 2022) project, onboard the NASA DC-8 aircraft, that was based out of...- dataset Archive
ARA King Air Flight Line Data
This data set includes meteorology, CAPS, PMS, CN, LWC, radiation, SST and S02 data collected onboard the King Air aircraft participating in the ACE-Asia experiment.- dataset Archive