NRC Convair 580 Airborne W-Band (NAW) Radar Data and Imagery
Profiles of Doppler velocity and reflectivity from the W-band 94.05 GHz radar that was onboard the NRC Convair 580 for the ICICLE (In-Cloud ICing and Large-drop Experiment)...- dataset NetCDF PDF Image
Composite Radar Imagery
This dataset contains images generated from the the WSI NIDS 2 km national radar mosaic for the GCIP/EOP period. One image per day is loaded with a 48 hour delay. These data are...- dataset Image
MRMS 2D Merged Base Reflectivity Products
MRMS 2D Merged Base Reflectivity Products collected during the Winter Precipitation Type Research Multi-scale Experiment (WINTRE-MIX) time and area of interest are included in...- dataset GRIB
USAF C130 Radar Videos
This data set contains videos of the radar screen aboard the USAF C-130 aircraft from the flights during the ITOP 2010 project that occurred in the Western Pacific Ocean from...- dataset Movie
UAH MIPS X-Band Profiling Radar (XPR)
This data set contains radial wind and reflectivity profiles from the University of Alabama-Huntsville (UAH) vertically-pointing X-Band Profiling Radar (XPR) deployed as part of...- dataset ASCII
NWS Guam Radar Reflectivity Imagery
This data set contains radar reflectivity imagery from the Guam NWS WSR-88D radar. These images were developed by NCAR/EOL and are in gif format.- dataset Image
Composite Radar Imagery
This dataset contains images generated from the the WSI NIDS 2 km national radar mosaic for the GCIP/NESOB-97 period. These data are provided for data browsing purposes.- dataset Image
CFI Climate Sentinels Arboretum MRR-2 raw data
This dataset contains raw data from a METEK vertically profiling K-band Micro Rain Radar (MRR-2) installed at the climate sentinel in the Arboretum forest reserve (ARBO), about...- dataset ASCII
NOXP Radar Data
This data set contains the observations from the mobile NOAA X-POL (NOXP) radar that participated in the TORUS (Targeted Observations using Radars and UAS in Supercells) 2019...- dataset Archive
UMass X-Pol Radar Data in DORADE format
This data set contains data from the University of Massachusetts X-Pol Radar. It was collected during intense observation periods between 14 March and 30 April 2016 for the...- dataset Archive
UMass X-Pol Radar Data
This data set contains data from the University of Massachusetts X-Pol mobile dual-polarized X-band Doppler radar during the VORTEX-SE 2017 field season. X-Pol operated during...- dataset Archive
KPR Radar plots
KPR Radar plots collected on board the SPEC Learjet during the Experiment of Sea Breeze Convection, Aerosols, Precipitation and Environment (ESCAPE) field campaign from 2 June...- dataset Image
STORM-FEST NWS WSR-57 Digital Data
NWS WSR-57 radars at St. Louis and Grand Island were interfaced with digitizers. The digitized PPI and volume scan reflectivity data were recorded. Recorders were activated at...- dataset Binary ASCII
NEXRAD UDX (Rapid City, SD) Reflectivity and Velocity Imagery
This dataset includes NEXRAD Reflectivity and Velocity Imagery from the VORTEX2 field catalogs for 2009 and 2010. These imagery products are taken from the NEXRAD station...- dataset Image
NEXRAD SJT (San Angelo/Mathis, TX) Reflectivity and Velocity Imagery
This dataset includes NEXRAD Reflectivity and Velocity Imagery from the VORTEX2 field catalog for 2009 and 2010. These imagery products are taken from the NEXRAD station located...- dataset Image
McGill VertiX Vertically Pointing Radar Data
The McGill Radar Observatory operates 2 vertically pointing X-band radars (VertiX) at 2 sites on the island of Montreal. The vertically pointing X-band radars can detect all...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR S-PolKa radar moments data, S- and Ka-band
Hourly files of S-band and Ka-band S-PolKa radar data taken continuously during the DYNAMO (Dynamics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation) project.- dataset Archive
NRL COAMPS TC 5km Forecast Imagery
This data set contains NRL COAMPS 5km TC model forecast imagery over the Western Pacific Ocean. Products include surface winds, 850mb vorticity and winds, radar reflectivity,...- dataset Image
NEXRAD San Juan PR Products
This dataset contains NEXRAD San Juan Puerto Rico Imagery Products, taken during the Pre-Depression Investigation of Cloud-systems in the Tropics (PREDICT) project. The PREDICT...- dataset Image
CFI Climate Sentinels Arboretum MRR-2 Processed Data
This dataset contains post-processed data from a METEK vertically profiling K-band Micro Rain Radar (MRR-2) installed at the climate sentinel in the Arboretum forest reserve...- dataset NetCDF