Forces in a Cable-Restrained Balloon System
This report presents a complete analysis of the forces acting on a cable-restrained balloon launch system and describes computer programs that may be used to determine optimum...- publication PDF
Scientific Research With High-altitude Balloons: A Brief Review of Recent Inv...
The following report summarizes recent results of balloon-borne observations separately for the various disciplines: infrared astronomy, ultraviolet astronomy, X-ray astronomy,...- publication PDF
Balloon Stress-Band Analysis
A test program to photograph tropopause-level balloon ascent failures unexpectedly revealed the presence of a circumferential stress band in certain balloons which failed...- publication PDF
Strength Characteristics of DuPont "Surlyn A" Film
This report is part of a series prepared for the Materials Research Project of the NCAR Scientific Balloon Facility in order to extend the reliability and capabilities of...- publication PDF
Numerical Prediction of the Performance of High Altitude Balloons
This report presents the equations governing the vertical motion of a balloon and reviews recent advances in heat transfer experimentation and theory pertinent to the processes...- publication PDF
Non-Standard Tests for Balloon Materials
This report is part of a series prepared for the Materials Research Project of the NCAR Scientific Balloon Facility in order to extend the reliability and capabilities of...- publication PDF
Wind Tunnel and Field Investigations of Shapes for Balloon Shelters
This report discusses the results of a series of wind tunnel and field tests performed in support of a program to develop a balloon inflation and launch shelter. The study...- publication PDF
Scientific Ballooning Handbook
This handbook summarizes the current technology of ballooning as completely as possible. Evolution and theory of ballooning, as well as contributions from experts in the...- publication PDF
The measurement of air velocity and temperature using the NCAR Buffalo Aircra...
This report describes methods used to measure air velocity and temperature from an aircraft and their applications to the measuring system on the NCAR Buffalo aircraft. Main...- publication PDF
International Workshop on the Airborne Measurement of Wind, Turbulence, and P...
This report summarizes the sessions of the International Workshop on the Airboune Measurement of Wind, Turbulence and Position. It includes oral presentations as well as working...- publication PDF
Engineering Report on a Dropsonde for Measuring Vertical Wind Velocity in Thu...
This report describes a special dropsonde for measuring and mapping the vertical wind inside thunderstorms. One the possible ways of measuring vertical wind is to drop...- publication PDF
Balloon Film Performance After Prior Stress
This report describes a series of tests conducted on balloon film material to determine if uneven loading of the balloon film material might cause failure at a stress level...- publication PDF
Proceedings of the Atmospheric Research Aircraft Instrumentation Workshop and...
This is part one of a two part report that details the proceedings of the Atmospheric Research Aircraft Instrumentation Workshop and Symposium, held in Oklahoma City, 17 and 18...- publication PDF
Uncertainty Analysis of a Radome Flush Orifice Air Motion System for the Meas...
This analysis is intended to establish a detailed measurement uncertainty for the present radome air motion systems used at NCAR and to provide a working document that may be...- publication PDF
Aircraft NCAR C-130 Documentation and Data Quality Materials (Link to NCAR/RA...
The SHEBA C-130 dataset documentation (most of the materials made available in the previously-released data notebooks) have been put on-line via the RAF Web site. This will...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Aircraft UW Convair 580 Data Summaries and documentation (Link to UW/CARG) [U...
A report entitled: "Summary of Flights and Types of Data Collected on the University of Washington's (UW) Convair-580 Aircraft in the FIRE-ACE/SHEBA Project in the...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT