Vegetation Studies: Seward Peninsula 2000 (PDF) [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains a data report which summarizes information that was collected as part of the NSF-sponsored Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmospheric System (ATLAS)...- dataset PDF
HLY-02-01,03 Oxygen-8/Oxygen-16 Ratios (ASCII) [Cooper, L., and J. Grebmeier]
This data set contains measurements of the ratios of oxygen-18 / oxygen-16 in bottle samples of seawater collected from the Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) rosette on two...- dataset ASCII
Ayr Lake, Baffin Island 570Yr Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotope and Varve Data
A multiproxy paleoclimate record is presented using leaf wax hydrogen isotopes (d2Hwax) and varve thickness from Arctic proglacial lake sediments. Also provided is one of the...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Toolik Lake E. Vaginatum Root Mineral Nutrition [Welker, J. and J. Fahnestock]
Soil cores of 5cm diameter and 20cm depth were taken at approximately 2 week intervals during the 2001 growing season. Three age classes of Eriophorum vaginatum roots (gray...- dataset ASCII
Nenana Bluff Tree Ring Data [Lloyd, A.]
Tree ring data from the International Tree Ring Data Bank and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology archives. Data include raw treering measurements (most are annual ring...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Summary Figures of Food Webs and Stable Isotopes [Dunton-Whiteaker]
This data set contains a PDF portfolio containing three PDFs summarizing food webs and stable isotopes in the Western Arctic (Bering, Beaufort, Chukchi Seas). One PDF is a...- dataset PDF
WEBSEC-72 Trawl Data [Bluhm]
This data set represents the results of a data rescue effort focused on epibenthic invertebrates and fishes sampled by trawls by Dr. Andrew Carey in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea...- dataset Excel ASCII Archive
Thule Biocomplexity - Gross Ecosystem Photosynthesis
Ecosystem carbon dioxide flux measurements were taken at a High Arctic prostrate dwarf-shrub, herb tundra near Pituffik (Thule), Greenland (76 deg 29'N, 68 deg 26'W;...- dataset ASCII
Thule Leaf Gas Exchange Salix and Dryas 2005
This dataset includes measurements of Dryas integrifolia and Salix arctica leaf gas exchange made under conditions of saturating light, ambient CO2 and optimum temperature. Also...- dataset ASCII
Tanana Bluff Tree Ring Data [Lloyd, A.]
Tree ring data from the International Tree Ring Data Bank and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology archives. Data include raw treering measurements (most are annual ring...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Firth River Tree Ring Data [Anchukaitis, K.]
Northwestern North America has one of the highest rates of recent temperature increase in the world, but the putative "divergence problem" in dendroclimatology...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Late Holocene Climatic and Environmental Change Inferred from Arctic Lake Sed...
This Dataset consists of data which accompanies fourteen papers in a special issue of the Journal of Paleolimnology. These papers report new records of Holocene climate and...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Ecosystem metabolism for an arctic warm spring-stream
This dataset investigated the productivity of a perennial, Arctic spring-stream. Ivishak Spring has the stable discharge (~131 L/s) and temperature (~4-8 deg C) typical for...- dataset Archive
Firth River Alaska 930 Year Maximum Latewood Density Temperature Reconstruction
Northwestern North America has one of the highest rates of recent temperature increase in the world, but the putative "divergence problem" in dendroclimatology...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Macrobenthic data from the Chukchi Sea [Blanchard]
These data were collected under the supervision of Dr. Howard Feder in the Chukchi Sea, 1986 to 1987. The data are counts and wet biomass of infaunal organisms. The data were...- dataset Excel ASCII
HLY-02-01,03 Oxygen-8/Oxygen-16 Ratios (Excel) [Cooper, L., and J. Grebmeier]
This data set contains measurements of the ratios of oxygen-18 / oxygen-16 in bottle samples of seawater collected from the Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) rosette on two...- dataset Excel
Eagle Bluff Tree Ring Data [Lloyd, A.]
Tree ring data from the International Tree Ring Data Bank and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology archives. Data include raw treering measurements (most are annual ring...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
HLY-02-01,03 Be-7 and Surface Sediment Chlorophyll Data (ASCII) [Cooper, L., ...
This data set contains measurements of short-lived gamma emitter, beryllium-7 obtained from surface sediment samples collected at depths ranging from 50-300m, as well as melted...- dataset ASCII
BIOMAS Model Results (a coupled sea ice/ocean/ecosystem model)
This data set includes the Biology/Ice/Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System (BIOMAS) simulated monthly mean results for the Arctic Ocean planktonic ecosystem over the period...- dataset ASCII
Alces Bluff Tree Ring Data [Lloyd, A.]
Tree ring data from the International Tree Ring Data Bank and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology archives. Data include raw treering measurements (most are annual ring...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT